How to define your most profitable purpose-aligned coaching niche - the power of purpose-led business.
Sarah Clarke Sarah Clarke

How to define your most profitable purpose-aligned coaching niche - the power of purpose-led business.

There’s a reason that every time I start working with a new business owner or female leader, we start with uncovering their purpose or ‘why’.

Because finding your business purpose can super-charge your happiness and success. It’ll keep you going when times get tough and it influence everything you create, from your content to your offers. It’ll also be a big reason whether or not people will choose to work with you or not.

And if you weren’t already convinced, there’s also neuroscience that explains why purpose is your business’ secret weapon.

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How I got off the feast & famine rollercoaster (and how you can too)
Sarah Clarke Sarah Clarke

How I got off the feast & famine rollercoaster (and how you can too)

How I got off the feast & famine rollercoaster (and how you can too)

You've probably realised by now it's waaay harder to make money in your coaching or consulting business than as a salaried employee.

Just because you’re brilliant at what you do, doesn't mean running a business is going to be a breeze. Being great at what you do and running a successful business are two totally different ball games….

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What successful coaches do to stand out
Sarah Clarke Sarah Clarke

What successful coaches do to stand out

What successful coaches do to stand out

Over 10,000 new coaches qualify every year according to the ICF (and that’s not including the ones who call themselves a coach after completing a weekend course!)….

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