From frustrated and zero clients to confident, authentic and becoming the go-to expert in her field

Jennifer Elworthy, Career and Fertility Coach

“It’s the best thing I’ve invested in. Hands down. You encouraged me to be myself, and then be even more myself. I always felt you had my back, truly believed in my work and were always there to help me. It's not the same as any other business coaching course. This is long-term and you-shaped. It's been incredible.”

Name: Jennifer Elworthy, Career and Fertility Coach

Business: Jennifer Elworthy Coaching 


Where I was: I had interest in my services but no paying clients. I lacked confidence and shied away from my niche believing no one would want it. I wanted to coach and do what I love but felt frustrated nothing seemed to be happening. I had no clue about how to step forward or where to start.

Where I am now: It’s all guns blazing now! I’ve regained confidence, become more authentic in my marketing, launched new corporate training programmes, and generated around £10k in work, all while becoming known as the go-to person in my field.

Before joining Fruitful Founder™️…

I knew I wanted to work in the fertility space because of my experiences but I didn’t feel like I could make that jump. I wasn’t sure if anyone would want what I was selling and I’d become so confused about what it even was I wanted to sell. I had no idea where to start or how to step forward. 

I had some interest but I was mostly coaching free of charge and making up the income through marketing work. I felt frustrated that I'd spent time and money qualifying and achieving my ambition of being a coach, only not to use it. 

I wanted to do more of the work I love and it wasn’t happening. This was affecting my confidence and I was fed up with not being fulfilled at work.

My hesitations were…

I was worried I wouldn't get enough time with you! I'd bought programmes in the past which were just glorified workbooks so I was worried this would be the same. I didn’t see the value of working as part of a group programme at first and thought it would be a distraction and the support would be diluted.

What made me say YES…

I'd really bought into YOU from our first call (I really wanted you one-on-one!) but the programme sounded fantastic!

My biggest takeaway from the programme…

The one thing I always come back to and that has stuck with me from the programme is focusing on the client ‘transformation’. It wasn’t easy to define and took a while to get to as it had to be personal, specific and different from what anyone else does but it’s now how I frame everything in my marketing and when I’m requesting testimonials. I’ve followed your scripts on discovery calls and things are happening and building because of it!

The BEST thing about working together…

We worked together (and it felt like together, rather than teacher/student) for a year and it felt like every few weeks I would text you with my latest win! 

You encouraged me to be myself, and then be even more myself. As a marketer, I've learnt so much about marketing since working with you. Your approach isn't dictatorial - there is no right way. Marketing myself was a sore spot before as I felt I should know how to do it, but I was terrified. I always shied away from my niche not believing I could make money from it but I always felt you had my back, truly believed in my work and were always there to help me. 

I loved the group approach too. It wasn't diluted at all, in fact, it was a greater-than-the-sum-of-its-parts thing really!

After working with Sarah…

When I signed up, I wasn’t sure I’d ever have what I have now, let alone after just 12 months – a fairly steady income, more of the work I want, less of what I don’t, the belief that what I do is needed and people will pay for it AND that I’m known for what I do!

I’m much more confident now and like my old self again (or a better new one!). It’s now all guns blazing, I’m making money and not only being accepted as credible but believing I’m credible. The tools I’ve learned through the programme have meant I’m much more comfortable marketing myself and it comes from the heart. I feel better personally too. My career has always brought me confidence but that slipped away. 

I'm still not consistently earning, but I'm becoming known in my field and the go-to person. So far I've had two coaching clients, three corporate workshops, plus marketing work with the IVF network (approx £10k of work). I've also launched my corporate training programmes, which are making a nice income and something I hadn't considered doing before working with you. It's a slow build, but that's ok - I’m valuing the transformative work I do and know I’m worth every penny!

What I’m looking forward to next…

More of the same!

I’d recommend Fruitful Founder™️ to…

Anyone feeling frustrated and a bit tearful about not making a success of their business or perhaps they've dabbled and had some success but need to take it to the next level. From the confidence I’ve gained to properly leaning into my business and believing it can happen to the skills I’ve learned in the community. It’s the best thing I’ve invested in. Hands down.

The most important thing you should know about working with Sarah is…

It's not just another business coaching package that leaves you feeling even more confused. This is long-term and you-shaped. I went from feeling I couldn’t do it because no one would want what I was selling (and I was confused myself about what I was selling!) to feeling confident there IS something there that only I can offer and knowing that with Sarah’s support, I will find a way to harness it and turn it into a sustainable business.

The other women in the group were also super supportive and helpful (like mini you’s!) and could offer different perspectives and with so many of them we’ve become friends and stayed in touch.

Are you ready to feel this held and supported as you grow your business? Find out more about becoming a Fruitful Founder™️here.

Kind words from other happy clients